6 Foods That Reduce Sweating | Help And Advise

Being a hot, sweaty mess is not necessarily a terrible thing. Your body controls your basal temperature and cools itself off through perspiration.

Another story is hyperhidrosis or profuse sweating that is excessively persistent and unrelated to heat or physical exertion. Social anxiety and insecurity from excessive sweating can severely hinder your self-esteem and confidence. Numerous foods reduce sweating. 

Foods that reduce sweating

1. Tea

Certain herbal teas might assist your body in chilling down and avoiding excessive sweating.

Sage tea, for instance, is well known for its high magnesium and vitamin B content. These nutrients slow down overactive sweat glands. Green tea will suffice if you cannot find this item because it also has the same nutrients.

Furthermore, it has a huge amount of antioxidants and catechins. Green tea has a variety of substances that help you stay calm and assist your sweat glands in contracting. Tea can be made cold by steeping it beforehand and adding ice.

2. Banana

If you perspire easily, bananas are an excellent option. This fruit is not only tasty, but it also has astringent properties.

Just what does that imply? Your tissues can shrink as a result of eating bananas. Your body absorbs more water. As a result, it cools your core.

You can anticipate less sweating as your basal body temperature drops because your body won’t need to sweat to stay cool. Bananas are also a fantastic source of vitamin B6, magnesium, and potassium, all of which help you stay hydrated. Additionally portable, they make excellent energy foods and cooling snacks for people on the run.

3. Soy

It is not only high in protein but also contains a lot of magnesium. An interesting fact is that even a mild magnesium shortage can cause excessive sweating.

Magnesium limits sweat gland function. You can easily include soy in your diet to solve a sweat problem.

It can be used as a smoothie ingredient or simply sipped like soy milk. You can use firm tofu in fried rice, stews, stir-fries, and other dishes. Desserts like mousse or cream pie can also be made with silken tofu.

soybean in a bowl and a jar of soymilk on a white wooden table to reduce sweating

4. Low Fat Dairy Products

You might be asking why consuming low-fat dairy products is a great approach to reducing excessive perspiration.

The solution is found in calcium, which is the key nutrient in it. This mineral can control your body’s temperature. Calcium also can reduce sweating.

But remember that low-fat foods will prevent your body from overheating and sweating because high-fat foods take longer to digest.

Use only fat-free or low-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt for the greatest results. Better still, enjoy additional perspiration protection and a tasty treat by having fat-free ice cream in one convenient package.

5. Grains

If you perspire a lot, whole grains are your greatest option. That is a result of processed foods being more challenging to digest. They require significantly more effort from your body to digest.

As a result, you start to sweat, and your body temperature increases. Consuming whole grains, however, is better for your digestive system. Your system won’t go into overdrive because these fiber-rich foods take time to digest.

In addition, consuming whole grains has many other advantages, including boosting gut health, decreasing weight, and promoting heart health. As a result, it’ll improve your quality of life. The body will work less and perspire less if there are fewer fats and an efficiently functioning system.

6. Sweet potatoes

This super-tuber controls your blood sugar. It prolongs your feeling of fullness and helps you resist cravings. Additionally, because it is digested gradually, your body won’t overwork, overheat, and produce excessive sweating.

These complex carbs contain nutrients that can reduce blood pressure, soothe the nervous system, and relieve stress. All three of these factors frequently cause excessive perspiration.

Served with fat-free cheese, boiled or baked potatoes go well with salads and proteins. You will sweat if you cook them since metabolic heat is required to break down fat.

Where does sweat originate?

Two distinct types of glands, which are collections of cells that release chemicals and cover the human body, are primarily responsible for producing sweat. The transparent, watery perspiration that eccrine glands produce. 

Due to their typical placement close to hair follicles in regions such as the armpit, breast, and groin, apocrine glands typically produce the type of sweat that creates body odor.

Why do we sweat?

The body sweat for various reasons, not merely to keep cool. When you exercise or become warm, your eccrine glands are in charge of producing sweat, and when you experience emotions like stress, your apocrine glands release sweat. 

Particular foods and substances you ingest can impact how much and how bad your sweat smells. For instance, eating spicy food may cause your brain to believe that the body temperature is increasing, which will cause your sweat glands to become active. 

Like when you exercise, excessive alcohol consumption can increase your heart rate, cause your blood vessels to enlarge, and deceive your body into believing you require sweat to cool down from physical activity.

Close up of a sweaty back

Causes of sweating

Your everyday activities are likely cause you to sweat frequently. The causes of increased sweating can vary, though.

High temperature

The main factor for more perspiration is increased body or ambient temperature.

Stress and emotions

The following emotions and circumstances might also cause you to break out in a cold sweat:

  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Embarrassment
  • Anxiety
  • Emotional Stress
  • Foods

You can also experience sweating in response to the meals you eat. Gustatory sweating is the term for this type of sweat. It may be triggered by:

  • Spicy foods
  • Caffeinated drinks, such as soda, coffee, and tea
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Medications and illness
  • Taking medications and having certain ailments, such as:
  • Cancer
  • Fever and fever-lowering medications
  • Infection
  • Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels)
  • Menopause
  • Sweating can also be brought on by the hormonal changes brought on by menopause. Menopausal women frequently have hot flashes and night sweats.


How does food affect sweat?

You can also sweat after eating hot foods that contain acidic substances like vinegar. Your body can occasionally produce an excessive amount of insulin, the hormone which aids in converting sugar into energy when you have a high-sugar meal.

What foods to avoid for sweating?

Avoid sweat-inducing foods such as processed foods, garlic and onions, liquor and beer, foods with high-fat content, hot spicy dishes, ice cream, and caffeine.

Does consuming salty food cause you to sweat more?

Eating foods high in sodium makes the body compelled to excrete the excess through sweat and urine. Eating salty meals may only worsen your excessive sweating if you have already experienced it.

Final thoughts

Genetics plays a huge role in human sweat. Hyperhidrosis, a medical disorder that makes people sweat much more than is necessary to cool off, may be present in some persons.

Others could sweat insufficiently due to a condition known as hypohidrosis. If you’re worried that you’re either sweating too much or sometimes not sufficient, consult your doctor.

Never consume alcoholic or caffeine-containing beverages. These substances stimulate the neurological system. There is an increase in sweat production due to the body’s heightened response.

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